Join Anti-Racism Week at Tredu 18.–24.3.2024

Anti-Racism Week with its theme ‘What would you do?’ challenges each of us to take action against racism. We will inform you about the week’s events through Tredu’s channels. Stay tuned!

Events, Workshops and Shared Experiences

At Tredu Santalahdentie campus, Anti-Racism Week will be celebrated in various ways. There will be workshops on equality, art sessions, morning audio broadcasts and screening of a documentary film called ‘Drawing Together.’ You are welcome to participate in one or all of the events!

‘Drawing together’ tells the story of unaccompanied minors who arrived in Finland, Norway and Scotland as asylum seekers. The 1-hour long documentary is a touching account of finding one’s own way in a new country. It will be screened in the Santalahdentie auditorium on Thursday 21st of March. Young filmmakers will be present to talk about the making of the documentary and their own experiences.

Juliste, jossa julistetaan, että Tredu on tasa-arvoinen, rasisminvastainen ja kiusaamista vastaan

Tredu will distribute posters promoting equality and inclusivity to each campus. These posters feature a QR code that invites participation in shaping Tredu’s equality and non-discrimination plan. Please share your viewpoint with us! The poll doesn’t collect any personal data.

Take Part in Anti-Racism Survey

At Tredu, we promote equality and well-being. We are collecting information on whether students and staff have experienced or witnessed racism at Tredu. Please respond to the survey ‘Have you encountered racism at Tredu?’ by March 31st, 2024. The survey is anonymous. Your response matters!

Fill out the survey now